Alien piñatas are fun because there are no rules – you can choose any shape, proportions, and colors you like. And if it doesn’t turn out the way you expected, it’s still an alien!
It starts innocently enough with a simple balloon wrapped in newspaper and covered with papier mâché…
…but before you know it, the aliens have landed! Landed naked, apparently – looks like his luggage got lost along the way.
Kerry glues on some snipped crepe paper before somebody gets arrested.
The guide lines keep track of where the colors will go. Above the word “blue” you can see where she crossed out “yellow.”
This stage requires time and patience and glue.
The alien’s belly stripes were made from a thin packing foam cut into strips and spray painted, then glued on.
Notice the green crepe paper glued around the neck and armpits. It’s harder to glue snipped crepe paper into tight spots like those, so Kerry covered them first with crepe paper before adding the snipped crepe paper to make sure the papier mâché would not show through.
The spray paint would come off on your hands if you touched the alien’s belly. Since Earthlings can’t be trusted not to touch an alien’s sensitive belly, the stripes were covered over with clear tape to protect them.
Making progress on the face…
…and on the back of the head…
…and on the bottom of the feet and on the tail.
The alien’s head is covered with snipped crepe paper, but it’s not yet fluffed. Fluffing up the crepe paper makes the piñata much more festive.
Greetings, Earthlings! Take me to your party!
The head and body are separate candy compartments.