What’s a Warlord of Nibblecheese? Leapin’ leptons, man! The Warlords of Nibblecheese are only the most vile infestation of extraterrestrial rodents plaguing our galaxy today! And you call yourself a space hero.
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The Warlords of Nibblecheese are the villains in book two of The Adventures of Commander Zack Proton, an outer space comedy chapter book series from Aladdin Paperbacks. I made the first Warlord of Nibblecheese piñata for a book launch party at Book People in Austin in 2006.
The piñata was bigger than many of the kids in attendance…
…and the space mouse had a jet pack and the kids didn’t…
…he also had a sword…
…and most of all, he wore fashionable outer space mousepaw boots. The Warlords of Nibblecheese weren’t just conquering Earth, they were doing it in style.
Crawl back into your space holes, you exoplanetary vermin. It’s an early end to the invasion.
Or is it…? I made two more Warlord of Nibblecheese piñatas, one for Maker Faire in 2007 and another one for a Book Festival in Spring, Texas, in 2008. They had learned their lesson from the first failed attempt, and when they returned they were better prepared.
This time the invaders were more technologically advanced, each equipped with LED light-up collars and nuclear-powered juice bottle jet packs. Earth is doomed! You earthlings can’t beat our superior space rodent technology!
Unless perhaps you have a stick. Ow! Ow! Stop it!
Ah, the best-laid plans of mice and spacemen. After three attempts is the invasion over for good, or will the Warlords of Nibblecheese return to infest another Earth party in the future? That remains to be seen.
Wondering how the Warlords of Nibblecheese invasion really ended? Grab a copy of The Adventures of Commander Zack Proton and the Warlords of Nibblecheese and find out for yourself. 112 pages of cheesy outer space fun for just $4.99!