How to make a Buzzard pinata

Answer from Piñata Boy

When making any kind of piñata, what you’re really doing is making a hollow papier mâché sculpture, and then decorating it.  So how you go about making a buzzard piñata depends on how you imagine it looking.  If it’s a classic buzzard pose, kind of hunched over with wings at the sides, then you’ll need to make a body, a head/beak, add a couple folded wings at its sides, and add feet.

I would probably use balloons for the head and body, add a beak with thin cardboard or cardstock, and then use either long balloons to shape the wings or make them out of thin cardboard.  Noelle Mason posted a photo her buzzard piñata here.  You can see from that photo how she constructed and decorated hers, and it looks great.

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