is it possible to change the crepe paper covering of a ready-made pinata?

Can i tear of the original crepe paper and re-cover (put a new crepe)?
or just put more crepe on top of the existing one?
I am trying to make a green alligator into a white flying dragon!

Answer from Piñata Boy

Yes it is.  I have torn off crepe paper from one piñata and covered it with a different color to make a different piñata (I tore the crepe paper off the second Alien Planet, added a tail, and then redecorated it as the third Porcupine Pufferfish).  I have also striped and redecorated more piñata sticks than I can count.

When you tear the crepe paper off (or if it’s store-bought it might have tissue paper instead), you will probably not be able to get it all off.  This hasn’t been a problem for me because I always covered it up with colored paper.  White tends to show through more easily than other colors, and there’s a chance that your white dragon will have green undertones.  One way to avoid this is by spray-painting the alligator after you’ve torn off as much of the green as you can.  If you poke around the site you’ll see where I have sometimes spray-painted the papier mâché before decorating.

I have never tried to decorate right over the crepe paper, but depending on how the alligator is decorated, that might be possible.  You just want to be sure that your white crepe paper is firmly attached to the piñata itself and isn’t glued to a loosely-attached decoration.  Good luck!

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