So, I used a big ball (that can be bought at Walmart, and comes inflated) for the circular shape. Then using the instructions on your website, I covered it in many layers of paper mache, waited for them to dry, and then popped the ball inside, which was extremely easy to remove. Then decorated it with lots of blue crepe paper. Then, I got post board and 1 birthday hat; unfolded the birthday hat, and used it as a pattern, and then stapled each postboard cone to hold together. once I had all seven cones ready, I took them outside, and spray painted them metallic silver. I then hot glued them on to the pinata, (which was actually the hardest part) and I suppose you could call it the Dallas Cowboys pinata!
Submitted by Luke Walker
That looks fantastic! Making a pattern out of a party hat was a clever way to save time and make sure all the points were the same size. Using different colors I can see where this same design can be used for all sorts of occasions — Christmas, Halloween, and school sporting events to name just a few. Great job!