I have been making pinatas for about 15 years, mostly for my daughters birthdays and for friends. Recently I have been asked if I can make a horse pinata and I have been stumped on it. Then I saw your zebra and read your instructions. I laughed a lot because just like you, I am winging it and have had to come up with creative solutions to finish some pinatas. I LOVE your work..Well done and you have helped me figure out my horse dilemna. This is a cat in the hat I made for a friends son. It was the first time he had ever seen a pinata and now he is hooked on them.
Submitted by Heather Myers
Funny thing about making piñatas — no matter how long you’ve been at it, there’s almost always some element of improvisation. That’s one of the things I like best about it. Good luck with your horse!
Could you make a cat in the hat piñata for my 1 year old? By April
I don’t make piñatas to sell, but if you want to try and make one yourself I’ll be happy to try and answer any questions you might have.