Is crepe paper the same thing as tissue paper?

In our school we are making crafts form Latin America. I am making a pinata. We went to Walmart and bought some paint. I couldn’t find any crepe paper however we have lots of tissue paper. Are they the same thing?
PS:  I am making a pinata out of a balloon and paper mache!

Answer from Piñata Boy

Crepe paper and tissue paper are two different things, but either one can be used to decorate a piñata.  Crepe paper usually comes in long rolls about two inches wide, whereas tissue paper usually comes in rectangular sheets, but you can also sometimes find crepe paper in sheets at craft stores.  Crepe paper is thicker than tissue paper and more opaque.  It’s also wrinkly, whereas tissue paper is smooth.  Walmart sells seven or eight different colors of crepe paper rolls in the party aisle.  I prefer decorating with crepe paper to using tissue paper because crepe paper hides the papier mâché better, but you can get a different texture with tissue paper, and a lot of piñateros use it.  Probably more people use tissue paper than crepe paper, I just find crepe paper to be easier to work with.  If you cut the tissue paper into strips you can decorate with it the same way I use crepe paper.  Good luck with your piñata!  I hope you’ll post a pic here when you’re done. 🙂

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