re: hanging a pinata

I don’t really have a good way of hanging a piñata in my yard. Does it have to hang from a tree?

Answer from Piñata Boy

Trees are often the most convenient place to hang an outdoor piñata, but anything that can reliably support the weight of the piñata can be used. I have used a patio overhang at a few different locations. These were never as good as a tree because either the location wasn’t optimal or the way the overhang was built we coulnd’t raise and lower the piñata, but in both cases it worked well enough.

I once tried to stretch a rope between two buildings and hang the piñata from that, but there was too much give in the rope and I didn’t feel like I had enough control over the piñata (I didn’t want it swinging wildly and hitting anyone).

If you have nowhere to hang the piñata, you might have to consider a different location for the party.

Good luck!

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