how many layers would i use for a 4 year old (minion pinata)

I really don’t want it to be to hard or she wont be able to brake it.
Do you have any ideas on how to make a minion piñata.

Answer from Piñata Boy

It depends on the size of the piñata — a larger piñata requires more layers to hold its shape.

What I would do is make the piñata however thick it needs to be to hold its shape — probably two and a half or three layers (to make a half-layer, you just lay down strips of papier mâché and leave space between them so you only cover half of the surface).  When it’s completely dry, take a knife and stab holes in the piñata or make thin cuts where you want the piñata to be weakest.  Then decorate over the cuts to hide them.  When the weak spot is broken open, the kids will usually keep attacking that spot and eventually break the piñata.

Probably the easiest way to make the shape of a minion piñata is to blow up two balloons and tape them together with the rounded ends facing away from each other.  Then tape a piece of card stock or construction paper over the middle section like a bridge.  I found a web site that made a minion piñata this way, and you can see how she did it here.

Good luck!

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