
Do I have to wait till my first layer is dry to put other 2 layers on or can I do all 3 layers together

Answer from Piñata Boy

I let each papier mâché layer dry before adding another one whenever possible, but sometimes I’ll put on two layers at once if they’re going to be drying in front of a fan for a long time (like overnight). You can put on three layers at once, but it will take a long time to dry, and you won’t know how sturdy the piñata walls are until the layers are all fully dry.

If you have time to do the layers one at a time that’s usually a better idea, but if you’re not going to have time to work on it for a while, adding three layers all at once is okay, too. I wouldn’t push it much further than that, though — if you put on too many layers all at once (like when my daughter once put seven layers on a piñata), the papier mâché will begin to ferment before it can dry. If that happens you’ll know by the smell.

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