What kind of paint won’t crack while drying?

The last pinata I made turned out ok, but the paint cracked as it dried. What kind of paint do you use for a pinata made out of newspaper?

Answer from Piñata Boy

I’ve had the best success using a stain-blocking latex primer to hide the newsprint, followed by latex paint.  This gets expensive pretty fast if you don’t already have leftover paint in your garage from some previous project.  Spray paint will often go on nicely, but it can sometimes develop cracks over time especially in high heat, and most colors of spray paint won’t effectively cover the newsprint so you need to prime it before painting anyway.  I’ve tried using tempera paint, but it didn’t cover well — it required a lot of coats and still didn’t look as good as I hoped.  The difficulty I’ve had finding cheap but effective paint is one reason I like to use something like crepe paper instead of paint for decorating whenever I can. If you’re trying to keep costs down try spray paint first, but if you have to use paint and you need the piñata to look really good, latex paint is your best bet.

3 Responses to “What kind of paint won’t crack while drying?”

    • Piñata Boy

      You can buy latex paint in hardware stores — most of the cans of paint they sell in the paint department are latex paint. Latex paint is an expensive way to decorate a piñata, but I have lots of leftover cans of paint sitting around in my garage from past projects and I use those when I can.


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