This giant Pokeball piñata was over two feet in diameter and was made from a large punch ball. It was simple to make, but its sheer size made it a time-consuming project. The button on the Pokeball is a plastic jar lid.
Amy and Kerry were really into Pokémon cartoons in 1999 and 2000. In 1999 when Burger King had 53 different Pokémon toys in their kids’ meals, we took a road trip to Grandma’s house for Thanksgiving, driving through nine states in nine days and stopping at every Burger King along the way (except that when Amy and Kerry fell asleep I skipped some because the mere thought of eating another one of those hamburgers made me nauseous). By the time we got home we had caught ’em all except for one. We snagged that one on eBay.
This led to two more piñatas, a Disco Feepit and a Green Shoyru.