How to make a corvette pinata?

In a corvette club. Wanted to make it for a party. Help!!!!!!!!!!!

Answer from Piñata Boy

Remember that any piñata starts out as a hollow, breakable sculpture, so think in terms of making a cardboard sculpture of a Corvette.  If I were making a Corvette piñata I think rather than try to build a Corvette out of cardboard pieces, I would see if I could find a large toy car that I could use as a base, and use thin cardboard and masking tape to build a Corvette shape around it.

It will take a lot of trial and error, and a lot of small pieces of cardboard taped together to get the shape you’re looking for. Once you’ve got the shape you want, cover it in papier mâché to stiffen up the cardboard and cement the pieces together. You’ll want to be careful to put the papier mâché on a little bit at a time and let it dry because if you put on too much all at once, the cardboard will absorb moisture form the papier mâché and can get wavy.

This is not an easy piñata to make, but remember that you can cover all the bumps and warts when you decorate. Good luck!


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